Monday, April 14, 2014

Are We Crazy?

The short answer is, yes, we probably are, but that is a different story altogether!  I have, through the years since we moved to our country paradise, thought about the pros and cons of living in the country and raising livestock.  

During the winter months the thought crosses my mind many times about how much easier life would be in town.   At times, we get snowed in and when the roads do get plowed sometimes it's only one lane.  The wind is worse in the country which means that everything drifts worse than in town.  And we definitely have more to plow here than we did in town.

It is, in general, more expensive to live in the country.  Everything from electricity and water to our weekly gas budget costs more.  This is a huge downfall if you're not aware or prepared for it.  We have learned to live with it and do what we can to save by growing our own food in the summer and raising our own livestock.  

Country life is tons more work than living in town.  From daily chores to maintenance on equipment, fences and barns the work can take it's toll.  We all pitch in, with my husband and I bearing the brunt of it.  Before we moved I had no idea just how much more work it would be.  Not that I don't like work, but I just had no idea how much it would entail.

The beauty of living in the country is that I can see about 5-10 miles in all directions of our house.  I can see storms coming from the west long before they get here.  I only have one neighbor who really doesn't care what we might be doing.  We can do just about whatever we want with our land.  We can make a garden as large or small as we want.  We can plant trees or bushes without a building permit, yes a building permit was required in the town we came from.  My kids have plenty of room to run or play as they wish.  I love having animals and treat each as a part of our family.  I get so excited when the babies are born and it drives me crazy with anticipation when they are close. I also believe it is good for children to grow up having chores around the farm and caring for animals of their own. 

In the end, the list of pros is endless and the cons only represents a few of the things I don't like about the country.  I wouldn't give it up for anything.  It is our home and everyone knows there's no place like home!

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