Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter Approaching Fast -Updates

While the last few weeks have been very busy for me with Thanksgiving coming and going and a family birthday this week, Christmas concerts and all of the holiday hustle and bustle, I have not gotten around to blog much. 

I have realized that as winter approaches, there is less work going on around here except for the feeding/caring for the animals and of course my husband is still working on cutting trees to clear the pasture for the next round of planting.  I do, however, have a couple of things to report on. 

The first is that we are pretty sure our 2 boer nannies are pregnant!  Yay!  I am so excited about having baby goats running around.  We also, right now, have 2 other goats that came to get bred by our fantastic looking boer billy.  There has started to be some boer babies for sale in our area again so we will start looking again for some more nannies to increase our herd.  Except from the occassional goat out of the fence, which really isn't a big deal since they stay in the yard, we really have had no problems with them this time around. 

The cows are out on the big pasture and have not had to be hay fed yet, but it is fast approaching.  Hopefully they are all bred, but there is at least one I am doubting.  Hopefully next year we can rent a bull or take them to a local bull.  I just feel more comfy with that plan than all the waiting, watching and waiting again for months.  It drives my anxiety level to max!  

The last thing for now is that even though the work slows (mainly due to I hate winter and being outside freezing my butt off!!!) in the cold, it never ends.  I do feel so priviledged to be able to live in such a wonderful place with a wonderful family on our own piece of heaven.  Even though at times all the work seems overwhelming, I wouldn't give it up for anything!  I only wish we had the resources to get all the work completed so we can enjoy the parts I truely love.

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