Monday, December 17, 2012

Senseless Tragedy in America

Such a tragedy that took place last week as the young man gunned down innocent kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary.  My heartfelt condolences go out to all the parents who lost their kids that day, the brothers and sisters who lost each other and the families of all involved.

I just got done reading the mini bios of some of the children and teachers.  As tears rolled down my cheeks I could barely see by the end of the article.  I couldn't help but ask myself what kind of sick would make someone think they needed to do such a horrific thing?  No one in their right mind thinks it's ok to kill a bunch of kids.  I still am without an answer.

What I do know is that I cannot imagine the pain these people are going through.  To lose a child in this manner would be a nightmare.  We may never understand why he did it.  Were there warning signs that he was on the edge?  Even if there were, who would imagine that something like this would be the outcome?  What can we do to prevent anything like this from happening again?  Do we need to have armed guards at school entrances?

I have always thought that my kids are safe when I send them to school as they should be.  Not anymore.  The world is so full of tragedies these days that nowhere is truely safe.  I do hug my kids a little tighter these days, though.

That day a young man did something that caused a lot of people including young kids to see and hear things no one should ever have imagine.  I sometimes see things at my job that I hope my kids never have to deal with knowing or seeing, but never has it been something as horrific as this.

My last thought for today on this is that the longer kids stay innocent the better.  That day he took away the innocence of all the kids at that school.  Those kids who survived will be terrified to go back to school and that is a tragedy in itself.

Prayers to all the families for comfort and healing!

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