Thursday, January 24, 2013

Weak Goat Kid

So, we had a goat kid that couldn't stand when we got her and the farmer who sold the batch of 7( in my last post) to us didn't know why.  She came free with the others if we were willing to take her.  So, of course we did with hopes of nursing her back to health.

For days she drank just like the rest and toileted the same.  You couldn't even tell anything was wrong until she tried to stand.  Her legs seemed weak was all.  After a phone call to the vet, I was doing physical therapy on her legs with each feeding.  This was done in a rigged-up sling I made from pieces of fabric I had laying around slipped over a big tub.  For a couple of days she seemed to be improving, she definately wanted to stand but just could not get her legs to hold her.  A few days after getting her here I got a Bo-Se injection for her in case it was just weakness.  This injection that I was convinced would be a fortune after reading an internet article cost me only 10 cents for a dose!!!  Proof that you can't believe everything you read online!! :)

From what I had read on internet it could be anything from weakness to spinal injury during birth.  I gave her the shot and it did seem to help.  I did a prick test just above her hooves and she definately had feeling in all four of them. The next couple of days she was improving a little again.  This whole time she was eating well and acted just as energetic as the others. 

Last weekend she was very weak it seemed so we still did therapy but not quite as much.  She was still drinking fine and trying to get up.  It was all to no avail, though, as she passed away on Saturday.  The kids were so disappointed.  I had made them hold off on naming her until we knew if she made it or not. 

After talking to our vet, there was probably nothing else we could have done.  Most likely she had gotten stepped on or had an extemely hard birth.  Still, I would like to know what happened and what eventually killed her.

RIP little goat!

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