Thursday, January 3, 2013

Long Winter Already

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday with family and friends.  As always at this house the kids got too many presents and I ate too much!  I even bought myself something for after Christmas that I won't talk about now due to still feeling guilty about it! 

It has been a long winter already!!  The snow has been here for 2 weeks but it seems like ages.  I am so ready for spring to come.  All the seed catalogs have started to arrive, but I have decided not to look yet.  It only makes my spring fever that much worse.  The kids went back to school today and the hubby back to work yesterday which means that now I have to do all the morning chores by myself again.  This sounds unpleasant to say, but even more unpleasant to do.  This morning it was a whoppin' 24 degrees when I was out there. At that temp at least I didn't have to get the whole winter garb on to be out there less than an hour.

We did learn a valuable lessons with the snowstorm that came a few days before Christmas:  snow/ice covered electric fences do not work! I hadn't even given a thought to the fact they would get covered.  So, our wonderful electric fence I raved on is, until the ice melts, turned off.  The cows are stuck in the barn lot, which I think they don't like much.  I cannot imagine they would love being cooped up like that, but my husband says everyone's are in the lots right now.  Another tidbit of info: we are still last on the road plowing list!  I am thinking that list should change up each year for fairness?

It is about time to separate the calves from the cows and bump up their grain.  They never love this time of year.  Still not sure if all the cows are bred as I am hoping but won't know for some time.  (Wish I had my own trans-abdominal ultrasound.)  

With all the holidays past now I can get back to this blog like I should be and my new endeavor I am working on getting started.  I love to start new endeavors and get so excited!  My husband thinks it is part of my "illness" to be busy all the time!!!


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