Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pork Tragedy

A few days ago I was made aware of a practice that has bothered me ever since.  A while ago I wrote on here that many times hog farmers have available pigs that have a belly rupture.  While this sounds worse than it is, truthfully it is only a hernia.  Most times the farmers will sell these at a lower cost because they usually cannot send them out with the rest of the herd to the processor.  We have had one of these hogs and there was nothing at all wrong with it in the end.  It tasted amazing!  The processor does have to be careful, though, when butchering so they don't cut into the intestines that have come through the abdominal wall.  If this happens it contaminates the meat.

A few days ago, I learned there are some confinements just killing these hogs before they are full grown since they can't send them out with the rest.  I'm not talking about 1 or 2, but tens to hundreds of them.  Basically, they aren't worth the trouble to them.  I'm not sure if everyone else knew this was happening or not.  I had no idea this was happening and to me with all of the people in America who are struggling to make ends meat that this practice is such a waste!

If there was a place that would take these hogs and finish raising them it could make a difference helping to feed those that are struggling.  Most of the time, though, they would rather kill them than give them away!!! 

I do understand that these companies are in the business to make money, but it doesn't cut into profits to give something away or even to charge a small fee for it if you were going to dispose it of anyway.  

I would love to hear thoughts on this and any ideas for encouraging these places to do something different with these pigs. 

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